SSA maintains a comprehensive list of website links to nonprofit organizations and government programs that provide seniors and caregivers needed resources on a variety of topics including where to find information on: caregiver support, volunteer / employment opportunities, housing, education, technology, transportation, legal resources, and much more!

Resource links:

AARP – AARP is a nonprofit membership organization for persons 50 and older. It provides information and education, advocacy, legal services, tax counseling and service, caregiving, volunteer and travel opportunities “to enhance the quality of life for all by promoting independence, dignity, and purpose.”

Dementia Programs

City of Alexandria’s Adult Day Center provides a safe and supportive environment for older adults and respite for their caregivers.  Fees are on a sliding scale based on income level.

Insight Memory Care is a wonderful non-profit, based in Fairfax, that provides many supportive services (some on-line) for families of those living with dementia.

Virginia Road Map:  A Guide for People Impacted by Dementia

This new resource takes people stage by stage through the changes resulting from cognitive decline and dementia, highlighting some things that can be expected and things to do at each stage, and includes practical, concrete Action Steps to be taken at each stage.  The Road Map also includes information on caregiver selfcare and a list of resources. Click on

AARP Dementia and Caregiver Support Resources:

AARP Resources for Caregivers and their Families

Division on Aging and Adult Services – The Division on Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) serves Alexandria’s seniors and adults with resources ranging from caregiving, delivered food through Meals on Wheels operated by Senior Services of Alexandria, employment and volunteer opportunities, financial assistance, housing, in-home services, recreation, and transportation to help citizens remain independent. DAAS also has a Directory of Resources which you can download by clicking here.
(703) 746-5999

Alexandria Council of Human Services Organizations (ACHSO) Alexandria Council of Human Services Organizations, or ACHSO, released a needs assessment report this week identifying 5 Key Issues affecting the quality of our human services network in the city. Those issues include Affordable Housing, Early Intervention Services for Youth, The Information Gap, The Eligibility Gap, and Nonprofit Advocacy. Meeting Needs Today provides a snapshot of the state of Alexandria’s human services system – including services, service gaps, and service improvements – since the last needs assessment in 2008. Senior Services of Alexandria is a member of ACHSO and participated in the development of the report, which is available online at the web address above.

Alexandria Libraries – This site gives information about library services as well as year round, 24-hour-a-day access to the catalog, library records, and several databases to which the library subscribes. Alexandria residents may borrow books from many libraries nationwide; the cost for seniors (65+) is $1.50 per title.
To search the catalog, reserve or renew books, or to search databases for newspaper and magazine articles:

  1. Click Online Information Services at the top of the home page
  2. Select Catalog Search/Renew Books (in English or Spanish) to search the catalog, renew or reserve books
  3. Select Click Here for Online Catalog
  4. To check your account, renew books or reserve books, enter the barcode on your library card and your home phone number, as instructed (You do not need to enter this information to search the catalog).
  5. Select Electronic Resources Homepage to search for newspaper and magazine articles and other information; note that you will need your library card number to use these resources.
Alexandria Senior Centers

Saint Martin de Porres Senior Center – 703-751-2766

The Senior Center at Charles Houston – 703-746-5456

Virginia Department for the Aging – The Virginia Department for the Aging (VDA) works with 25 local Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) as well as various other public and private organizations to help older Virginians and their families find the services and information they need. The Department operates the Center for Elder Rights, which is a central point of contact for older Virginians to access information and services.

Reading for Seniors
Senior Housing
  • Renter Resources 
  • Consider Homesharing as a First Step
  • Help with Paying Bills
  • RAMPRAMP Brochure – 2019RAMP is a grant program which modifies rental units for tenants with mobility impairments. Typical improvements include grab bars, bathroom renovations like the installation of walk-in showers and comfort height toilets, and exterior modifications like ramps, shallow stairs, and handicapped parking spaces. These are done at no cost to the tenant or landlord with the only stipulation being the landlord retain the improvements for five years and rent the unit to a mobility-impaired tenant during that time.
  • HRLP-This program provides no-interest, deferred payment loans for the design and construction of home improvements to help low- and moderate-income City residents remain in their homes. The program serves owner occupants with combined incomes below 80% of the area median income by family size (which ranged from $70,560 for a household of one to $108,880 for a household of five in 2020). Eligible households may receive loans of up to $135,000 for construction costs, plus additional funds for related costs to improve the safety, accessibility, and quality of their homes. Repayment of the loans is deferred for 99 years or until the property is sold or the owner(s) move, whichever comes first. To learn more, contact Arthur Thomas at 703.746.3091
  • Home Safety Checklist for Wheelchair Users
Senior Health
Senior Housing
  • Guide to Retirement Living ( – The Source Book magazine list senior housing options, including independent, assisted living, nursing facilities, home care agencies, and other care resources.
    (866) 393-0957
  • ( – Free directory of Senior Living communities in the United States. The directory has a rich listing of Senior Living Communities grouped by region and type (independent living, assisted living, care homes, Alzheimer’s care, and nursing homes). Additionally, the website also offers rich and detailed information about each type of Senior Living community – useful to families who are deciding what is best for their parents/grandparents.
  • Retirement Housing Guide(
Continuing Education Opportunities
Volunteer Opportunities
Caregiver Support
Legal Information
  • Legal Services of Northern Virginia
  • Statewide Senior Legal Help Line – 844-803-5910 
    • The Virginia Poverty Law Center’s statewide Senior Legal Helpline is now up and running.  The helpline is made possible through a contract between VPLC and the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, with funding from a 3-year Model Approaches to Statewide Legal Assistance Systems grant from the Administration on Community Living. The toll-free number (844-802-5910) is now available for Virginians aged 60 and older and for those calling on their behalf.  We will seek to advise seniors on the following topics:  long term care issues, public benefits (including Medicaid, SSI and Social Security, Medicare), guardianship and alternatives to guardianship, financial exploitation, adult abuse and neglect, age discrimination, and some limited consumer issues.

For more information on scams check out SSA’s senior scams webpage!

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